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Biggin Hill provides specialist aviation for predominantly the business market. It is one of nine commercial airports serving London (and one of just three within the boundaries of London itself).

View of London

A home to commercial aircraft and also a service centre for business and general aviation aircraft, Biggin Hill is an engineering and technology centre in its own right.

Although it is often seen as a cohesive whole, the Airport is actually a cluster of different companies each servicing different types of aircraft, representing a substantial and diversified source of investment through global network connections. Because of this hub of engineering expertise, the Airport generates modern, high tech and sustainable well paid jobs.

Plane Engine

For business passengers, the Airport is a gateway for very important business visitors to London as a World City. Just eleven miles from Canary Wharf, the airport offers a quick service for passengers doing business in the capital. Importantly, each aircraft landing at the airport represents more money into the local economy.

For training pilots and recreational users, the airport is an important Flying Training Centre for personal and professional pilots. The Airport is home to historic flying clubs allowing aviation enthusiasts to live their passions.

For those interested in heritage, the yearly air displays held during the summer provide a real opportunity to enjoy aircraft at their best.