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Airport Safeguarding

Airport Safeguarding is the process established to ensure that all appropriate measures are taken to secure the safety of aircraft when taking off, landing or flying within the vicinity of an airport.

Airport Safeguarding

In order to ensure that an airport’s operation is not restrained by development in the vicinity of the airport, the airport operator is responsible for producing a safeguarding map and providing this to all Local Planning Authorities whose boundaries fall within a 15km radius of the airport. The Local Planning Authority will use this safeguarding map to determine the implications of development for the airport.

Read the full guide to Airport Safeguarding (includes ‘Defining the Safeguarding Area’, ‘Public Safety Zones’, PSZs Map & Safeguarding Maps)

Further Queries

The Airport would advise developers and others proposing development within the area covered by the safeguarding map to take account of safeguarding issues prior to finalising their proposals and submitting planning applications. The Airport is happy to provide pre-application advice on proposed developments, and if necessary seek the assistance of the National Air Traffic Services who look after air traffic control and the navigational aids at the Airport.

If you have any further general queries regarding safeguarding or the Public Safety Zones please do not hesitate to contact Katy Woolcott – Estate Manager, based at the Airport 01959 578500.